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Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Tell your friends...

It's no surprise that Berlusconi's government dislikes the show, Annozero, because it gives a voice to many of Berlusconi's critics. Television stations in Italy are refusing (or perhaps, it's better to say that they are unable) to air television commercials that are annoucing the return of this wonderful program.

Anyone interested in Italian language and culture would do well to watch this program. I watch it as often as I can (online), and I find that it can be a wonderful source of entertainment as well as practicing and improving your Italian comprehension.

Here's an email I received (as I'm sure thousands of others) -- check out the spots (adverts for the show's return) and read the email I received below:

Buongiorno Keith,

Cari amici, sono Michele Santoro e ho bisogno del vostro aiuto. Mancano pochi giorni alla partenza e la televisione continua a non informare il ...pubblico sulla data d'inizio di Annozero. Perciò vi chiedo di inviare a tutti i vostri amici e contatti su Internet gli spot che abbiamo preparato a questo scopo e che non vengono trasmessi.

Qui trovate i nostri spot

Su Youtube:

Primo spot:

Secondo spot:


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