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Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Italian Food Net is an online cooking resource that is packed with some very delicious recipes, but with this site, not only do you get the great recipe, but you get cooking demonstrations, too. Most of the videos last anywhere betwen 4-6 minutes long, some shorter, and teach you some basic as well as some not so basic recipes.

There are three chefs who demonstrate various recipes: first and second course dishes, antipasti, desserts, breads and more. The demonstrations will leave your mouth watering as these chefs serve up some great meals. The videos are in Italian, but many of them have subtitles. Even so, the Italian used is standard, the chefs speak well, and even if you're not completely fluent, you shouldn't have any trouble following their instructions. With the help of a good dictionary and some study, it won't take you long at all to get through these recipes. Plus, it's a great way to practice your Italian and your listening skills while learning how to serve up some authentic Italian dishes at the same time!

Buon appetito!


Dariko said...

Dear Keith,
Would it be possible to write some key words from one of the presented Italian recipes. I'm struggling to understand the speech in some places.
Great post!

Keith said...

Ciao Dariko!

Sure, I can try. He speaks pretty good so it shouldn't be too hard for me to write something up. I'll do my best to highlight some key words.

Check back in a few days!

Keith said...

Ciao Dariko:

Here are some useful expressions and phrases that I picked up from the recipe on the Amatriciana recipe -- notice the use of the first person plural command for a lot of the verbs (-iamo).

Some useful phrases:

La ricetta che ti propongo...
The recipe that I am proposing to you...

Gli ingredienti sono...
The ingredients are

pomodori pelati
peeled tomatoes

mezzo bicchiere di
half cup of

red pepper flakes

pizzico di sale
pinch of salt

buttiamo la pasta
(let's) put the pasta in the water

scaldiamo una padella antiaderente
(let's) Heat a nonstick pan

facciamo durare il guanciale bene a fuoco medio
let's let the bacon simmer well over medium heat

sfumiamo il vino bianco
(let's) evaporate the white wine

il vino evaporato
reduced wine

rompendoli con le mani
breaking (the tomatoes) with your hands

aggiungiamo un pizzico di sale
(let's) add a pinch of salt

lasciamo cuocere a fuoco vivace
allow to cook over a high heat

un bowl bella grande

tenete la meta in padella
keep half (of the sauce) in the pan

la salsa rimanente
the remaining sauce

spolveriamo con la metà di pecchorino
(let's) sprinkle

giriamo bene
toss well

finiamo con il restante pecorino
finish with the remaining pecorino

Keith said...

Hi Dariko,

I made a mistake in my translation -- Alessandro says:

facciamo dOrare il guanciale bene a fuoco medio
let's let the bacon brown well over medium heat

dorare = to brown

Dariko said...

Ciao Keith!

Grazie mille!
It's soooo much better now! :)